Den familjecampingen Fornella Camping & Wellness Family Resort ligger på den lugnare västsidan av den populära Gardasjön. Här campar du i en färgstark miljö som verkar komma ur en målning. I en liten sluttning, på en strand med kristallklart vatten och nära historiska skatter. Under dagen och på kvällen finns det alla slags aktiviteter, men det är också tyst i tid. På eftermiddagen, som den italienska traditionen dikterar, finns det siesta.
Detail information about this campsite
Inspekteras årligen

This inspector visits Fornella Camping & Wellness Family Resort every year and inspects the campsite based on more than 200 facilities and other points. The inspector is an employee of ACSI and not affiliated with the campsite.
Värderingar (206)
Genomsnittlig värdering: 8,7
- Sanitära inrättningar
- 8,9
- Personal
- 9,3
- Pris-kvalitetsförhållande
- 8,8
- Barnvänlighet
- 8,7
- Underhållning
- 8,1
- Sportfaciliteter
- 8,4
- Bassäng
- 9,0
- Mat och dryck
- 8,6
- Omgivning
- 9,0
Edwin Cooper, på denna camping i juni 2024
Resesällskap: Seniorer
An absolute gem of a site, the staff went above and beyond in helpfulness to resolve a problem with customs, the facility were exceptional especially the mobility facilities, a true gem that we will return to in the future.
Catherine OBrien, på denna camping i maj 2023
Resesällskap: Par
This is a great campsite, particularly visiting during a quiet time- early May as it was so peaceful. The pitch was a great size - various options available, the toilets and showers among the best we have experienced in our travels. The location on the lake was perfect, with good cycle and walking routes nearby. Shuttle bus to nearby town also an option. The staff were very helpful and friendly. There is a lakeside restaurant on the site which serves excellent meals and a shop to restock on supplies. We would definitely stay here again, probably out of main holiday period when I can imagine it may get very busy.
Catherine OBrien, på denna camping i maj 2023
Resesällskap: Par
This is a great campsite, next to the lake and with good walking paths and easy to cycle to nearby places. the campsite itself is so clean and well maintained. The pitches are a good size and the staff are very helpful and friendly. we visited out of the high season and so I can imagine that it might be a lot busier in the summer, but it is one that we would definitely book a return trip to as location, facilities, staff and options for activities are all excellent.
Philippe, på denna camping i januari 2022
Resesällskap: Yngre par
Most Beautiful location, high quality campsite especially the mobile homes and friendly staff !! Recommend it !!!
Chris, på denna camping i oktober 2022
Resesällskap: Par
We loved our stay at Camping Fornella. We had such a wonderful time, the Restaurant was first class, and the on-site supermarket was amazing all the staff were so helpful. And a special mention to Jenny she is just so lovely. Thank you for your wonderful service.
David Hallissey, på denna camping i augusti 2022
Resesällskap: Familj med barn, olika åldrar
We loved our stay at Camping Fornella,
We had such a wonderful time, the Restaurant was first class, and the on-site supermarket was amazing all the staff were so helpful. And a special mention to Jenny she is just so lovely. Thank you for your wonderful service
Tomas M, på denna camping i juli 2022
Resesällskap: Familj med barn, 4 – 12 år
Gillade - I liked very professional and nice staff. Everyrhing was perfect clean during our stay.
Källa: Ctoutvert
Rudi Gerits, på denna camping i januari 2022
Resesällskap: Familj med barn, 12 – 18 år
Best Camping off the lake
Albert Oevering, på denna camping i september 2021
Resesällskap: Familj med barn <4 år
This is the camping, when i went to for the 12 th time. Every time we arrived. Yes, we are home. Thats why the campsite should win. Its a family camping.
Kathleen Pook, på denna camping i september 2021
Resesällskap: Ensamresande
This campsite is situated in a marvellous position with amazing views. It offers top quality services and the spa is excellent. The staff are courteous, friendly and helpful. This all makes for a fantastic holiday.
Allmänna uppgifter
- Cirkapris 1
- 67,00 €
- Cirkapris 2
- 93,50 €
- Öppningsperiod
- 12-04-2025 till 26-10-2025
- Yta
- 9,2 ha
- Höjdläge
- 65m
- Antal ställplatser
- 270 (60 - 140m2)
- Ställplatser för husbilar
- 22
- Antal fasta årsplatser
- 5
- Antal logiplatser
- 141
- Camping som passar för handikappade
- Ja
** Vi vet att bekvämligheter som är markerade med fetstil inte ingår i övernattningens pris och att det tillkommer extra avgifter för dem. Observera att vissa icke-fetmarkerade bekvämligheter också kan medföra extra kostnader.
I receptionen
Faciliteter vid campingplatsen
Sanitära faciliteter
Mark och plantering
Tvätta, diska, koka
Äta, dricka och livsmedel
Hyr boende
Att hyra på eller vid campingen
Vattensport och -rekreation
För barn
Sport och lek
Rekreation (vuxna)
Campingens läge
För campare
Visa på karta
Fornella Camping & Wellness Family Resort
Via Fornella 1
25010 / San Felice del Benaco
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Coordinates:45°35'6"N 10°33'57"E -
Identifieringskod:CIN: IT017171B1RMEK46QTCIR: 017171-CAM-00002
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