Camping Mun. les Lucs ***
Allmänna uppgifter
Camping Mun. les Lucs är en camping i Tain-l'Hermitage, Drôme, belägen vid en flod/ en bäck. Campingen har platser med stängsel, med skugga, utan skugga och platser med lite skugga.
Camping Mun. les Lucs är en camping i Tain-l'Hermitage, Drôme, belägen vid en flod/ en bäck. Campingen har platser med stängsel, med skugga, utan skugga och platser med lite skugga.
This inspector visits Camping Mun. les Lucs every year and inspects the campsite based on more than 200 facilities and other points. The inspector is an employee of ACSI and not affiliated with the campsite.
Resesällskap: Seniorer
A well situated campsite on the edge of the Rhone. It is ideal as a location for a stop of a few days on a journey south or north. The pitches are mainly divided by hedges. The sanitary facilities are excellent, and carefully maintained by hard working staff. The site is very popular and reservation is advisable. There is a cycle path just outside the site which extends for hundreds of kilometers, and also gives easy access to the town.
Resesällskap: Seniorer
A well maintained site. Excellent sanitary facilities and washing machine available. Cycleway immediately adjacent to the site allowing access to the town, Tournon on the opposite bank of the Rhone and in the reverse direction down the bank of the river to the south. Public swimming pool is nearby and access available to site visitors. Chocolate lovers will welcome the nearby chocolate factory.
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